
Womens Health | Wellness Plans

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We provide womens health services, including: well woman exams, menstrual pain, pap smears, PCOS, pain with intercourse, bio-identical hormones, hormone replacement therapy.

Individualized Health Plan Consultation

Nancy is a Board-Certified Adult Nurse Practitioner who is trained in the specialty of Functional Medicine and Hormone Balancing.

The health program she designs is based on the blood work results and other tests that can be done in your home. These lab tests are then used to assess the function of four basic body systems:


During your initial consult, Nancy will review your personal and family health history and make recommendations for testing that is appropriate for your specific health issues.

Once your results have been completed, Nancy will explain the meaning of your test results in a follow-up visit. ... Read More


Individualized Wellness Plans

These are developed from scientific data, rather than symptoms alone and encompass the highest quality of nutritional supplements, lifestyle coaching and customized diet and/or exercise plans to meet specific health needs.