
I am blown away by how much they have helped me

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I cannot say enough good things about Nancy Boyden and this clinic. I have been coming here for several years now and I am blown away by how much they have helped me.

I have been on the hormone pellets, and they make a massive difference. I have much more energy, my weight came down, and I am not sore (muscles) and irritable all the time. When I exercise, I barely get sore and I recover so much faster.

Over the holidays this year, I decided to test out not being on the pellets and so I went way over the time I was due for them again, several months over. During this time not on the pellets, my weight blew up, I became extremely irritable, my sleep was terrible, I had no energy to exercise and my muscles hurt all over. I felt like a crabby, mean old woman. It was horrible.

I was across the country at the time so as soon as I got back to Gig Harbor, I raced back to the clinic to get my pellets put in. It took about a week to for them to fully kick in and I am a new woman again. OMG, it is incredible the difference these pellets make. I am running every day because I have so much energy, my mood is so much better, weight is falling off again. It is astonishing how well they work for me. I should mention a low-calorie keto diet (small meals) is also helping me along too.

And as far as Nancy and the staff, they are incredible. They are all so nice, so helpful, never pushy, never salesy. If they have a solution they think might work for you, they will gently mention it and never push it on you.

That is what I so love about Nancy and this clinic. They have so many solutions for your health too. You just have to ask about what all they have to offer. Nancy is so knowledgeable and so kind.

I love this place. I do not know what I would be like without them. My husband loves them too and always encourages me to go get my pellets. :)
- A.B.