Men also experience issues related to hormone imbalance.
The natural decline of testosterone contributes to problems with sexual dysfunction as well as muscle weakness, depression, bone loss and other symptoms associated with andropause (also called 'male menopause').
This condition signifies the midlife retreat of the hormones known as androgens: DHEA and testosterone. In contrast to the 'roller coaster' effect so common to women in menopause, the symptoms of andropause appear gradually and can be much less obvious.
Some of the first signs that a man may be experiencing this change:
Along with the aging process - excessive stress, weight gain, and lack of exercise can further lower osterone, which will impact stamina, and virility.
How to Balance Hormones For Men?
Through hormone testing and working with a professional qualified to treat imbalance, a man can help address the effect of andropause as well as hidden and/or related deficiencies.
Natural Male Hormone Balancing
Nancy has successfully designed safe and natural alternatives to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for men without the risks associated with conventional HRT.
Contact us today, to schedule an appointment and see how we can help you get back on track.