
Primary Care

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We spend quality time with our patients to understand the basis of illness with a Functional Medicine Approach

Collaboration of Medical Care

We work together to formulate a plan of medical care for you. Our office is much more interested in treating the reason you are not well, not just medicating the symptoms.

Diet, Health Habits and Blood Work are all examined and evaluated.


Functional Medicine

We believe that lifelong health and vitality is our birthright. Few of us know why we lose it or how to get it back. In our Wellness Center, we are committed to helping you reach optimal health using a Functional Medicine Approach that we have developed and refined over the last 15 years of helping thousands of patients.

We invite you to take a step into a new world-a world of possibility; a world of good health and happiness; a world where you are given the tools to take charge of your own health. We welcome you to experience the medicine of the future, available today.

What is Functional Medicine?

Functional Medicine addresses the underlying causes of disease, using a syst... Read More


Tailored Health Plan

Tailored Health Plan
Nancy specializes in designing natural health solutions for both male and female hormone imbalances, fatigue, weight problems and digestive problems.

Her guiding principle is founded in correcting imbalances in basic body systems-working from a science-based diagnosis, not just symptom-based treatment.

Balancing the body's systems promotes longevity and dramatically improves quality of life.

Nancy's mission is to guide and support her patients and assist them in reaching their health goals by combining the best of science and nature.

Contact Us via email to set up an appointment for a consultation.